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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

dump mysql database and sync with DR

1.Create crontab script and name it as
    mysqldump --no-create-info -h CMS-AUTH01 -uroot -pezidentity eziden > sync.sql
    echo "Sync data retrieved..."
    mysql -uroot -pezidentity -e "drop database eziden;"
    mysql -uroot -pezidentity -e "create database eziden;"
    echo "Database initialized for sync..."
    mysql -uroot -pezidentity eziden < /usr/ezidentity/scripts/cron/tables.sql
    echo "Database sync in progress..."
    mysql -uroot -pezidentity eziden < /usr/ezidentity/scripts/cron/sync.sql
    echo "Database sync completed."

    2. dump mysql database using below command. This command will dump tables structure only without dumping data.

    mysqldump -d -uroot -pezidentity eziden > eziden.sql

    3.add cron jab using below command

    $ crontab -e

    Note: point to above script (

    00 3 * * * bash /usr/ezidentity/scripts/cron/